- This event has passed.
COVID-19 Regulations
February 1, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Assalamu Alaykum Warahmathullahi Wabarakaatuh,
We ask the congregation to abide by the following measures in order to reduce the risk of being infected and infecting others:
- Please come with your own prayer mat, a cloth, or a handkerchief.
- Please make Wudhu at home before coming to the Masjid
- Those with underlying health conditions, elders, sisters, and children are to pray at home
- All evening and daytime classes, as well as weekend classes are cancelled until April 5th
- All other classes and regular adult programs are cancelled until the first week of April
- We ask everyone who visited the affected countries or places to refrain from coming to the Masjid and follow Public Health regulations
- We ask everyone to pray their Sunnah prayers at home
- Practice regular sanitation to reduce the chances of being infected
- Avoid physical contact with others (please don’t feel offended if one does not offer to shake hands)
- In addition to taking the above precautions, please make lots of Dua, Istighfar, recitation of the Holy Qur’an, and regularly give charity. All of these practices will Insha-Allah protect us all from calamities and help others in difficult conditions. This is a time for us to get close to our Creator.
- We encourage you to recite the following Dua abundantly:
لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين
There is none worthy of worship but You—Pure are you! I am indeed from the wrongdoers!
Please note that changes may be made to Masjid operations with directives from Public Health Canada and/or other government authorities.
Jazakum-Allahu khayran
Management, Masjid-ut-Taqwa